Les origines slaves ouvrent à l’artiste le cheminement des cultures croisées. Les couleurs sont l’expression de la profondeur ramenée à la surface des choses. Créations à tendance ethnique, en dévoilant la complexité des origines et de la multiplicité des mondes. L’articulation en œuvres différenciées met en lumière leur diversité tout en laissant libre cours au pouvoir expressif manifeste de chacune d’entre-elles… La Mixité.
The Slavic soul of the colors of the heart, an endless creation made by the artist during her all life. A highly elaborated and developed inspiration is the footprint of an art era characterized by the artist Polish identity. Her Slavic origins lead to a universe of crossed cultures featuring her painting identity similar to the one of her fellow citizens. Colors are the perfect expression of a disclosed reality. Here the color represents the real force of painting. In the restless chase of an unknown creator… The Color is a Messenger standing as the Origin of this series.